Day 2 - The Hack
After successfully entering the tower, the Survivalist/Peacemaker squad begins to clear out the CyMS inside the tower, program the communications console, and send the signal out. Meanwhile, the Red Dragons and Animals continue to disrupt their work.
Competitive Mode
Goals of the Scenario
Hacker: Successfully complete the hacking sequence on the communications console and send the signal out!
Disruptor: Prevent the hackers from succeeding
Special Rules
Transmission Terminal — Place the two Transmission Terminal tiles in each of the 2 hexes as shown on the map. It is considered a Tall Terrain.
Hacking Tokens — Place 2 objective tokens on each of the Transmission Terminal tiles.
Setup Phase modification: In Determine Player Order of the first round, if the winning player chooses to go first, they become the Hacker; otherwise, they become the Disruptor.
CyMS Spawn
Round Spawn = 4.
Scoring VPs
Scenario Objective(s)
Hacker: Each time a friendly character performs the Hack Terminal action at a Transmission Terminal = 1 VP.
Disruptor: Each Hacking Token remaining on Transmission Terminal tiles at End Game = 1 VP.
Ranger (Once per Game): Performs Rapid Response on a friendly character = 1 VP
Xi (Once per Game): Performs Tail Whip on 3 or more non-friendly models. = 1 VP
Non-friendly character KO’d = 1 VP.
KO 5 CyMS = 1 VP.
Scenario Objective Interaction(s)
Hack Terminal — 1 AP, EM Noise: 2 — Once per activation, the active character on the Hacker’s team who is adjacent to a Transmission Terminal, may remove one Hacking token from that Transmission Terminal. This action cannot be performed if there is no token on the Transmission Terminal.
Shove CyMS — 1 AP, EM Noise: 2 — Once per activation, the active character on the Disruptor’s team who is adjacent to a CyMS within 2 hexes of the Transmission Terminal, may perform Shift 2 on that CyMS.
End Game Criteria
3 Rounds or no Hacking Tokens remain during End Phase.
Tiebreak Rules
Most Scenario Objectives scored.
Most characters KO’d.
Most CyMS KO’d.
Solo/Cooperative Mode
Goals of the Scenario
For Survivalists and Peacemakers: Successfully complete the hacking sequence on the communications console and send the signal out!
For Red Dragons and Animals: KO as many CyMS as possible and “hack” (physically destroy) the communications console.
Special Rules
Transmission Terminal — Place the two Transmission Terminal tiles in each of the 2 hexes as shown on the map. It is considered a Tall Terrain.
Hacking Tokens — Place 2 objective tokens on each of the Transmission Terminal tiles.
CyMS Spawn
Round Spawn = 4.
Scoring VPs
Scenario Objective(s) — Each time a friendly character performs the Hack Terminal action at a Transmission Terminal = 1 VP.
Ranger (Once per Game): Performs Rapid Response on a friendly character = 1 VP
Xi (Once per Game): Performs Tail Whip on 3 or more non-friendly models. = 1 VP
Character KO = -2 VP.
KO 5 CyMS = 1 VP.
Scenario Objective Interaction(s)
Hack Terminal — 1 AP, EM Noise: 2 — Once per activation, the active character who is adjacent to a Transmission Terminal, may remove one Hacking token from that Transmission Terminal. This action cannot be performed if there is no token on the Transmission Terminal.
Scoring Goal
Easy Mode: 2 VP in 2 rounds.
Normal Mode: 3 VP in 3 rounds.
Hard Mode: 4 VP in 3 rounds.
Nightmare Mode: 4 VP in 3 rounds.