What is a “CyMS”?
CyMS are a third-party enemy that is a constant threat to characters and shape every game of Omicron Protocol. Every time your characters perform actions and generate EM noise, CyMS will be there to react. In the competitive mode, you move them against your opponent to upset their plans. In solo/cooperative mode they are activated by a simple AI but gain combinations of powerful abilities as each game progresses. Whichever mode you play, CyMS are a challenge that must be overcome by all players to achieve victory! As a bonus, they also help make every single game you play unique, so you constantly have to come up with new ways of mitigating their influence.
We want to thank our community for helping us name the CyMS, thus giving each CyMS type a little bit of personality in the game world. We hope you won’t ever have to cross Kar… er, I mean, Prada, at the coffee shop in San Lazaro!
“Here’s your STUPID quarterly report, sir!”
“I’m from the future.”
One Shoe Sean
“Where’s my shoe?”
Punk Girl
“Punk Rock!!!!!”
“She never misses her kickboxing classes!”
About CyMS
Most CyMS are residents of San Lazaro, and they come in all ages, genders, races, shapes and sizes. A common feature is that they all have implants surrounded by visible skin infections.
CyMS behave very erratically: sometimes like a normal person, sometimes as if they’re in a trance. They may appear at peace at times, but then in a moment turn violent and beat some poor victim to death. During these episodes, they seem to become unnaturally strong: Little old ladies have been known to take down hulking men. When in this aggressive mode, their eyes emit an eerie glow, in various colors. This is an obvious sign to avoid them at all costs.
The term “Cyber-Memetic Sociopaths” was coined by Professor Malcolm Biederman, who apportioned blame for the condition on virtual reality video games. Others suspect that the truth is more complicated, especially as the number of CyMS within San Lazaro continues to multiply.
Those who remain in the city either try to avoid them or actively seek ways to help. Is there hope? Will a cure be found? Or are the residents of San Lazaro condemned to either death or becoming CyMS themselves?
“These people lose moral direction; it all becomes about the next fix of mayhem. There are several documented cases of such individuals seeking to replicate game-based violence in real life. In fact, they often imitate specific techniques and methods of killing. Some of my fellow researchers have coined a phrase for these individuals – ‘Cyber Memetic Sociopaths’. The term is sometimes shortened to “CyMS”.”