So we’ve talked about how we create a character and how we use the Genesys RPG system to help us fill out the details of our worldbuilding for Omicron Protocol. Now I’m going to give everyone a little bit of a background on WHY we spend this much time and effort creating, researching, and writing (through our awesome writer, Nick Brown) about each character.
For me to get into a miniatures game, I really need to love the story and the characters. That’s how Warhammer 40K got me decades ago, and it’s how Guild Ball got me more recently. The story about those characters help me form a full picture of who they are, what motivates them, and why they’re in this game that I play. It also allows me to glimpse into the world that the game is in, through individual experiences of these characters.
The Masons team - it was my first paint job after a long time, so pardon the amateur-ish look.
Personally, following the story of the characters of my favorite guild, the Masons, in Guild Ball, it excites me every time I play with the team, and motivates me to put in a little bit extra to try to win the match “for them”. Even painting the models become more interesting, because I want to bring those characters to life with the colors and shading, so that when those characters are on the field, I can temporarily transport myself into the fantasy world that they belong in.
Flint - One of my favorite characters in Guild Ball
After talking to friends and strangers who have tried our game and learned about the characters from the Survivalists and Peacekeepers, many have said that knowing who they’re playing allowed them to immerse themselves into the game more. “It felt more heroic”, one person said, and another described it as “playing an RPG and trying to accomplish a mission.” Hearing that feedback encouraged us to make the characters even more interesting and their stories more personal. That also led us to put the short bio of each character on their card backs, instead of just a standard graphic.
The bio for “Lucky” - My personal favorite character in Omicron Protocol
So with all that said, we are happy to announce that all the characters’ bio AND story for the first 2 factions, Survivalists and Peacekeepers (all 12 of them), are now on our website for you to read. These are still in the unpolished state, but we are so excited about them and the story they tell about the character an the world, that we wanted to share them immediately. :)
Just go to these pages, and click on the “Read More” to sample the story for your favorite characters!
What do you think? Do you care about the story of the games you play? If so, what are some of the best games you’ve played with great stories? Let us know!