We’ve been working furiously to get everything ready for our Kickstarter launch date, May 20. Among the most important things we want to accomplish is our Tabletop Simulator mod so that people can try our game for themselves or playtest with friends and family around the world. The bare minimum is done, which includes uploading all of our cards, mat, standees, and tokens. Now we want to make the experience of playing as painless as possible.
The first big step was to make a menu where you could choose the scenario you want to play and have the terrain set itself up for you and then clean up the terrain and tokens that aren’t used so the table doesn’t feel cluttered.
The menu of our polished scenarios
Map setup after choosing “Hands on Research”
Our next step is to import the characters & CyMS as 3d models. We are working with our sculptor now to create the files to import. In the meantime, here’s a preview:
Virtual Pai! You can see her original standee in the background. 3d is much more exciting!
Speaking of Pai, I also got a tiny bit of painting done. I’m trying to stick to my commitment to paint an hour every week. It’s amazing how hard this is to do, especially given the amount of time I used to dedicate to painting models. That’s what I get for making a game, I guess.
Not much progress, I know.
We hope you are as excited about our TTS mod as we are! We’ve asked before but if there’s any “must have” features for a TTS game we would love to hear about it in the comments.