It’s been a while since I did a hobby update, and I promise I’ll get back to painting the new Pai sculpt and Jugger soon, but Bernie and I decided to take it easy for a couple weeks after our recent Kickstarter campaign. In the spirit of clearing my head and just having some low pressure fun I decided to work on a couple models from my growing “guilt” collection.
First I started working on the beautiful “Plague Angel” from Creature Caster which I picked up at LVO this year. This model is an absolute beast packed with details. I also picked up some Pro Acryl paints, because what better what to paint a Creature Caster model? I have been painting for a few years now and have painted almost exclusively with Vallejo and Citadel paints. Pro Acryl dries very slow by comparison, I decided to use that to my advantage and try some wet blending on this huge model. The paint dries very matte, as well. It is a different experience and it’s taking me a bit to get used to but I’m starting to see some results that I like.
This side I’m still sketching light values on the skin
Starting to blend layers on the leg here
This model is amazing but it’s going to take quite a bit of time to get done. On Wednesday, David hosted a paint hangout at Gamescape SF, my friend Ben convinced me to bring something small so I could see a good amount of progress. I decided to bring a barbarian warrior I bought for my Frostgrave team. Once I got to GS and got set up, Ben further convinced me to try to mix my own flesh tones using yellow, red, blue, and white. I’m really glad he did! I learned a lot and I really like the look of the skin.
Comparing the 2, the Plague Angel looks a little flat, how can I improve it? I think some dark red in the shadow areas would help.
That’s it for now. Let me know what you think of my skin tones and how I can improve in the comments!