It's crazy how fast a month goes by! KublaCon just ended and now it's time for RageCon in Reno, NV. Brendan and I have been looking forward to this Con for a while now, simply because the organizers seem very on-top of everything, the signup system is super easy to use, and the Game Lab organizers were very welcoming from day 1. It's a smaller Con, but those are often the best because it's just that much more intimate and you really get to meet some great gamers.
Thank you for a great KublaCon!
Wow, where do I start?
First of all, I want to give a big thanks to everyone who came by and played the Omicron Protocols of "Hands-On Research" and "The Airdrop". The demos went off without a hitch, and we got 18 people through the various games over 2 nights. My voice is still recovering, but it was well worth it!
Getting Ready for KublaCon 2018!
First blog post for Omicron Protocol, yay!
It's 5 days before KublaCon 2018 begins in Burlingame, CA, the "local con" for us and a convention I've been going to for 15 years now. I've been running game events for 5 years now, but never thought I would do it for my own game. Very trippy, exciting, and scary at the same time.