Finally, some Omicron Protocol models to show off!
I put some work in on the new Pai sculpt. I really like the new pose, the difference is subtle but really represents her abilities well, the computer upgrade looks awesome. I love it.
July was a relatively quiet month where we did a lot of playtesting of Cyber Pet Quest and preparation for GenCon, as well as wrangle the logistical beast that is shipping and fulfillment for Lunar Rush and Omicron Protocol - Critical Condition Expansion. We are now 2 days away from GenCon 2023 starting, so if you're headed to GenCon, PLEASE come by Booth 2932 to say hi to us and check out the games!
The last week has been surreal... And since we haven’t written a blog post in a while, I thought I'd post this here to share.
Preparing for DunDraCon, GAMA, and JoCo cruise haven’t left me with much free time but I managed to squeeze in a couple hours of painting. Without further ado, here’s Lucky!
The blog has taken a back seat since the end of the Kickstarter campaign. The holidays were busy and we had a lot of logistics to figure out as we finalized our manufacturing plan and got started producing OP. Exciting times! One of the exciting developments is that we produced our first prototypes of the alt sculpt Bolt and Lucky miniatures.
In the midst of getting our Kickstarter set up for May 20 I completely abandoned Bernie and spent all weekend in a painting class. It was a much needed mini vacation for me. It was intense and exhausting but I started the week with my mind refreshed. The class was taught by Sergio Calvo Rubio. If you don’t know the name and you’re a fan of painting miniatures you should check out his amazing works, I’m sure you will be inspired.
Just a couple models left to go before we have 2 complete sets: Seeker and Lance. I am working as hard as I can on this second set because they have to be my best photogenic models ever. But I also have to get them done because we need photos sooner than later. We have a date with a photographer February 23rd and we are going to be at LVO the weekend of the 8th and Orccon the next week. That gives me next weekend and whatever time I can scrounge up during the week.
I mentioned last week that non-metallic metals are easier to learn for me on our models because there is very little metal to paint. If I’m painting a belt buckle and it looks wrong it’s a matter of a few seconds to start over and try something new. It takes a little longer for a rifle or a knee pad, but I find these are not too discouraging as well. This week I started on Flash, and Flash has the biggest piece of metal in the game so far - his drone.
Painting our models has been a great way for me to start learning NMM. The near-future urban setting has dictated the style of the models, which means the metallic bits are limited to a few small parts of the model, as opposed to many miniature lines out there that are composed of suits of armor, swords and shields, etc, which can be very daunting when you’re not quite sure what you’re doing. I’ve taken a few less successful stabs at painting NMM where I just bit off more than I could chew.